Club & Seniors Living

Illawarra Yacht Club Redevelopment Warrawong, NSW
Illawarra Yacht Club Redevelopment Warrawong, NSW

STAGE 1: DEVELOP CORE OBJECTIVES with the Clubs board to establish a detailed project brief for establishing development options for the concept master plan.

STAGE 2: SITE ANALYSIS & DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ASSESSMENT of the preliminary opportunities identified to meet the core objectives based on Cruzhome’s development experience including a new Club building, Gym, Aquatic, Sport & Leisure, Childcare and Seniors Living. A comprehensive market analysis was carried out for each option including a needs analysis, current and future demographic modelling, market catchment, competitive supply & demand, industry trends, management / operational opportunities & constraints, functional design & area schedule with development costing. An initial financial modelling was completed for suitable business cases based on the data from the market analysis to determine OPEX & CAPEX returns.

Oak Flats Bowling & Recreation Club Master Plan Redevelopment Oak Flats, NSW
Oak Flats Bowling & Recreation Club Master Plan Redevelopment Oak Flats, NSW

STAGE 1: DEVELOP CORE OBJECTIVES with the Clubs board to establish a detailed project brief for establishing development options for the concept master plan.

STAGE 2: SITE ANALYSIS & DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ASSESSMENT of the preliminary opportunities identified to meet the core objectives based on Cruzhome’s development experience. A comprehensive market analysis was carried out for each option including a needs analysis, current and future demographic modelling, market catchment, competitive supply & demand, industry trends, management / operational opportunities & constraints, functional design & area schedule with development costing. An initial financial modelling was completed for suitable business cases based on the data from the market analysis to determine OPEX & CAPEX returns.

STAGE 3: MASTERPLAN DESIGN was carried out for the preferred development option including a new Club building, Gym, Aquatic Centre, Sport & Leisure, Childcare and Seniors Living. Cruzhome shortlisted and selected the most suitable Architect and specialist consultants, and closely collaborated with the Club to deliver a staged master plan design that met the core objectives. A detailed financial model was completed to firm up the yield for the master plan redevelopment.

STAGE 4: DELIVERY of the project is currently ongoing to undertake the full range of Project Management & Superintendent services to manage all aspects of project delivery for Stage 1 New Club building.

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